Daily Donations Report

Lists donations on transactions over the date range you specify. It works as a daily batch report and a management update report on recent donation activity.

Deposit Report

Lists donations or transactions received that day or over the date range you specify. The report lists amounts received by payment method, e.g. cash, checks, VISA, Master Card, etc. It’s ideal for helping prepare bank deposits and balancing the deposit with your data entry.

Allocated Funds - Detailed Report

Lists donors and the amount they have given to each of your organization’s Funds. This report is best for analyzing the funding interests of your donors over short periods of time.

Allocated Funds - Summary Report

Lists total donation amounts assigned to each of your organization’s Funds over the date range you specify. It’s excellent for analyzing Fund activity over longer periods and it includes Fund GL account numbers to easily balance Fund records with your general ledger accounts.

Unprinted Letters/Receipts Report

Lists all donors for which Thank You letter and/or receipts are waiting to be printed.

Tax Receipts - Pending Report

This report is used by organizations using BasicFunder Premier’s built-in tax receipting function. It lists donations entered that still require official tax receipts to be issued.

Tax Receipts - Pending Report

This report is used by organizations using BasicFunder Premier’s built-in tax receipting function. It verifies the posting of receiptable donations including donation date, amount, receipt amount, issue date and the total amount of tax receipts issued over the date range you specify.

Event - Detailed Report

Lists donors who have contributed to specific events. It is used to analyze which donors are supporting specific events and the amount donated.

Event Summary Report

Total amount raised to date by each event including the combined total raised for all those events over the date range you specify.

Group Donor List Report

Lists individuals and/or organizations that belong to one or more Groups within your database. It provides the total amount raised from the Group and from each member of the Group over the date range you specify.

Appeal Donor List Report

Lists donors who have responded to specific fundraising Appeals or mail-outs including the amount each has donated to the Appeal.

Appeal Analysis Report

This report analyzes statistics related to each Appeal during the date range you specify. The information for each Appeal includes number solicited, number of responses, response percentage, amount of average donation and total donations.

Pledge Summary Report

Lists donors who have made donation pledges to your organization. The report includes the amount each donor has pledged, total amount received against the donor’s pledge and the amount still outstanding. It also compares the overall fundraising goal compared to the total amount pledged from all donors, total received and amount still to be raised toward the goal.

In-Memory/In-Honor of - Detailed Report

Lists donors who have made a gift either in-memory of someone or in-honor of someone. The report identifies the amount from each donor and provides the total amount raised for each person being remembered or honored.

In-Memory/In-Honor of - Summary Report

Lists those people for which in-memory or in-honor fundraising is being carried out and the amount raised for each one over the date range you specify.

Donation Type - Detailed Report

Lists the donors who have given to each Donation Type and the amount each has donated to that Donation Type over the date range you specify.

Donation Type - Summary Report

Lists your various Donation Types and provides the total amount raided for each selected Donation Type over the date range you specify.

In-Kind Donations Report

Lists all In-Kind donations that were received by your organization over the date range you specify including the name of donor, donation date, amount or appraised value and a note field to identify the kind of gift.

In-Kind Donations By Event Report

Lists donors who have made In-Kind donations to your special events. The donors are listed by Event and the report includes the amount or appraised value of each In-Kind gift.

Possible Duplicate Donor Report

This report scans your entire database and provides you with a list of potential duplicate records.

User Created Lists

You can use the User Created Lists function of BasicFunder Premier to create hundreds of additional customized information lists that meet your organizations unique needs.